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The training team IDEO’s training team plans, schedules and develops a wide range of courses, mainly focused on Educational Leisure and Free Time.

In collaboration with the Schools of Youth Animation of Leisure Time (AJTL) “El Zahorí Cántabro” (approved by the Government of Cantabria) and “SH” (approved by the Junta de Castilla y León) we give courses to obtain the Official Title of both Monitor / a of TL and Coordinator / a of TL.

To participate in a leisure and free time monitor course you must meet a series of requirements: – To be 18 years old – And to have obtained the title of Compulsory Secondary Education, equivalent or higher (submit a copy of the title or certificate). On the other hand, to take the course of auxiliary of free time(official formation that is only carried out in Cantabria through an Official School approved by the Government of Cantabria) you will have to be 16 years old. If you are interested in doing any of the two courses do not hesitate to contact us by calling 722203459 or via whatsapp or contact us through our mail Do not forget to follow us on our social networks to not miss any information.